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How Salami Slicing Attacks are Shaking Fintech: A Common Man's Guide to Understanding and Safeguarding Your Finances

Understanding the Salami Slicing Attack Salami slicing attack, also known as penny shaving or penny skimming, is a type of financial fraud that involves stealing small amounts of money from numerous accounts. The term "salami slicing" comes from the idea of slicing off small pieces from a larger whole, just like slicing salami. In this attack, the perpetrator targets a large number of accounts and takes small amounts of money from each account. The stolen amounts are usually so small that they go unnoticed by the account holders. However, when combined, these small amounts can add up to a significant sum for the attacker. The salami slicing attack is often carried out using automated systems or software that can perform numerous transactions quickly and efficiently. The attacker may exploit vulnerabilities in a financial system or use social engineering techniques to gain access to the accounts. The Impact of Salami Slicing Attack on the Common Man The salami slicing atta

Essential System Design Concepts for Application Security Professionals

Introduction System design concepts is paramount for safeguarding digital assets against ever-evolving threats. Understanding how to architect systems that are not only robust and scalable but also inherently secure is essential. By grasping core system design concepts tailored to the unique demands of security, these concepts can fortify their applications against potential vulnerabilities and protect sensitive data from malicious actors.   In this blog post, we will discuss 20 latest interview questions related to system design in application security. 1. Explain the concept of threat modeling. Threat modeling is a process used to identify and prioritize potential threats to a system. It involves analyzing the system's architecture, identifying potential vulnerabilities, and evaluating the impact of different threats. The goal of threat modeling is to proactively design security measures that mitigate these threats. 2. How would you design a secure authentication system? A s

Understanding and Mitigating Prompt Bombing Attack: A Threat to Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) has long been hailed as a crucial defense mechanism against unauthorized access. By requiring users to provide multiple forms of verification, such as passwords, biometrics, or one-time codes, MFA adds an extra layer of security to sensitive accounts and systems. However, like any security measure, MFA is not without its vulnerabilities. One such emerging threat is the prompt bombing attack, a sophisticated tactic that poses a serious risk to MFA-protected environments. What is Prompt Bombing Attack? Prompt bombing is a type of cyber attack that targets MFA systems by flooding users with an excessive number of authentication prompts within a short period. The goal of this attack is to overwhelm the user, leading them to either disable MFA temporarily or become susceptible to social engineering tactics, ultimately granting unauthorized access to the attacker. How Prompt Bombing Works? Prompt bombing typically exploits the human factor in securit

A Comparison of OWASP ASVS and CIS Benchmark: Enhancing Cybersecurity Through Different Approaches

Introduction In the realm of cybersecurity, organizations face a myriad of threats and vulnerabilities that they must address to protect their digital assets. To help guide them in this endeavor, various frameworks and standards have been developed. Two prominent ones are the OWASP ASVS (Application Security Verification Standard) and the CIS (Center for Internet Security) Benchmark. While both aim to enhance cybersecurity, they do so in different ways. This article will explore the key differences between OWASP ASVS and the CIS Benchmark, shedding light on their unique approaches and benefits. OWASP ASVS OWASP ASVS is a comprehensive framework that focuses specifically on application security. It provides a set of guidelines and requirements for designing, developing, and testing secure applications. The ASVS is designed to help organizations assess the security posture of their applications and ensure they meet industry best practices. The OWASP ASVS is structured into three level